Top 7 Things You Shouldn’t Be Guilty About

Denying yourself something to please others and prioritizing social judgment over your own feelings? The result of such behavior can be dissatisfaction with life, depression, and even illness! You shouldn’t feel guilty if you…

Spend Time on Yourself

If instead of a boring meeting you stayed home to take a bath and relax, and instead of going to work on your day off, you turned on your favorite TV show or decided to learn more about betting odds, congratulations: you chose yourself. Often, along with this choice, we experience guilt, because we were all taught to be good, kind, considerate. But sometimes it turns into an obsessive desire to be convenient, to please everyone and meet expectations.

To prevent this from happening, psychologists recommend asking yourself regularly: “What do I want right now? What am I feeling right now? Where am I in this situation?” Helping and caring for others is important and necessary, but it’s better to do it from a resourceful state, not to the detriment of your health and nervous system trendingbird.

Don’t Work 24/7

Just because you missed an overnight call from your boss or didn’t respond to a colleague’s email in the first minute, that’s no reason to consider yourself a bad employee. Excessive “goodness” at work leads to burnout, physical exhaustion and decreased productivity. You can say the same to your colleagues, who are sitting in the office, not raising their heads, and looking at you sideways. Even irreplaceable employees should have time for rest and personal life.

Live by a Schedule 

You can in good conscience do whatever is good for your health and not look back at those around you: go to bed at 9 p.m., stick to any diet, take a five-minute break to exercise during work hours, not drink alcohol “out of respect” for someone else, and so on. Looking “cool” in someone else’s eyes isn’t as important as feeling good, being rested and awake. The real cool thing about our biographyer time is to live a healthy lifestyle!

Spend Money on Yourself

It’s a trap parents on maternity leave fall into most often: they feel it’s more important to spend money on their children and partners, and their own desires can be relegated to the back burner. Of course, we aren’t arguing about the importance of a hot meal for the family. So feel free to give yourself gifts and at least once a month buy something nice or useful for yourself personally to stay attractive and keep your strength and good mood.

Don’t Want to Do Anything

Activity slumps, apathy, and bad moods are all understandable feelings everyone should allow themselves to experience. We just can’t be endlessly awake and productive. And this is okay! So if after a busy work week you want to lie in bed all day, and not do housework, allow yourself to relax. That way you can recover your strength.

Don’t Want to Share

The habit of uncomplainingly sharing everything you have is hammered into our heads since childhood, requiring us to necessarily give his favorite shovel or a mold to the neighbor in the sandbox. Fortunately, today’s parents are increasingly teaching children to share only when they want to. This also applies to adults: don’t allow the person you love to eat your favorite dessert if you dreamed of eating it alone. And your friend will do without your favorite blouse, which you intended to borrow for a party. You have earned what you have, and the right to dispose of it as you see fit.

End a Relationship on Time

“Fighting for your love” is only interesting in soap operas. In fact, it most often leads to conflict, depression and a painful breakup, but after a longer time. If your relationship is dominated by the verb “tolerate”, the partner has long been a stranger and distant, and all attempts to return the old feelings have failed, it is time to get out of this relationship. There is nothing to be ashamed of in admitting that the relationship is outdated, and to terminate it. Don’t create the illusion of a family for the sake of children: they will still see falsehood, and worse yet, take this model to their future lives as the only correct one. Choose yourself. Allow yourself to live happily. And your loved ones are sure to support your choice.

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